A colony of the Republic of Pisa from the year 962, the island of Capraia lies in the Ligurian Sea, midway between Tuscany and Corsica. It was conquered by the Mohammedans in 1055; the Pisans took it back a generation later and held it until it became a possession of the Republic of Genoa, following the events of 1284.
In 1540, the Moslems, this time under Turgut Reis, again captured and sacked Capraia. To prevent further devastation, the Genoese built in 1541 the fortifications that still stand, and from one of these, the Torre del Porto, we took this picture, with Peregrinus at anchor, in the foreground.
We asked a fisherman who is the diver that cleans his boat's propeller, and the following day his diver came by and cleaned all of Peregrinus' bottom. 29 July 2016.