Beyond the edge of the world, little is certain.
Abraham was born in Ur of the Chaldees, but nobody knows with certitude where that is. But we know exactly where Abraham lived for decades: he lived in this place. He lived here until he was 75 years old, and then emigrated to the land of Canaan.
Beyond the edge of the world, only foes remain.
This is the place where triumvir Crassus lost seven Legions, his son, and his life in 53 B.C. It is where emperor Caracalla was assassinated in 217 A.D., and where tetrarch Galerius lost to the Persians in 297. It is also where the Kingdom of Jerusalem experienced its first serious defeat, in 1104, which severely weakened the Principality of Antioch and led to the eventual loss of the County of Edessa.
The Romans called this frontier city Carrhae, but we call it Harran, the same name used in the book of Genesis.
This mosque lies atop a church built on top of the Temple of Sin. Caracalla was on his way from Edessa to visit Sin at Carrhae when he fell to his own bodyguard. iPhone X, 13 July 2018.