Today in Poole

Swiftly see each moment flies,
See and learn be timely wise,
Every moment shortens day,
Every Pulse beats Life away,
Thus thy every heaving breath,
Waft thee on to certain Death,
Seize the moments as they fly,
Know to live and learn to die
—Vase dedicated to Robert & Elizabeth Ellis, “Poole, Dorcet, 1855”
Museum of Poole

Mori blocking Peregrinus’ solar panels, Studland Bay, offshore Poole, Dorset, 19 July 2020. iPhone 11 Pro.

Mori blocking Peregrinus’ solar panels, Studland Bay, offshore Poole, Dorset, 19 July 2020. iPhone 11 Pro.

Between Two Hemispheres

Meridian 0.  The Queen’s House, Greenwich, by Inigo Jones., 1616.  The first Palladian building north of the Alps.  6 January 2020.  iPhone 11 Pro Max.

Meridian 0. The Queen’s House, Greenwich, by Inigo Jones., 1616. The first Palladian building north of the Alps. 6 January 2020. iPhone 11 Pro Max.

In the Duchy of Cornwall

We arrived last night into Saint Mary's, in the Scilly Isles.  Called the National Yachtline of Her Majesty's government and declared two foreigners and one cat.  The cat has an European Pet Passport, issued by Ireland, we clarified.  The gentleman on the line said he'd notify Customs.  

We asked whether we should remain at the boat.  He said he didn't know when a Customs officer would be available, and that we certainly couldn't be confined to the boat, could we?  So he said we can do whatever we like.  Definitively a gentleman, as we said.

Commented the guy manning the harbourmaster's office this morning: "crazy, uh?"

Fine with us, though.  Long live the Queen!

St. Mary's Harbour.  Peregrinus at mooring, somewhere in there.  iPhone 6 Plus.  19 June 2015. 

St. Mary's Harbour.  Peregrinus at mooring, somewhere in there.  iPhone 6 Plus.  19 June 2015.